Our hand painted dragons have realistic details and are available in a variety of sizes and designs. Due to the variety of designs, you can create a magical atmosphere in any room.
Colored Dragon
Our hand painted dragons have realistic details and are available in a variety of sizes and designs. Due to the variety of designs, you can create a magical atmosphere in any room.
Rock Dragon by Anne Stokes
Product number:
In stock
- Rock Dragon
- Designed by Anne Stokes
- The figurine is handmade and hand painted with many details
- Height ca. 20,00 cm
- Widht ca. 18,00 cm
- Depth ca. 16,00 cm
- Material Polyresin
Rock Dragon
The Rock dragon (Draco Petra) can be found whereever there are mountains, volcanoes and rock systems with naturally occurring caves. Known for its naturally occurring impenetrable armour plating as well as from history, as being used by the attacking Loman army at the battle of Colnee.
The eggs whilst incubating excude a chemical which allows rapid crystal growth around them. These then, over relatively a short period of time, form into diamonds and many countless lives have been lost in their pursuit.
Dragon in eg, green
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon egg green
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 10,00 cm
- Widht ca. 7,50 cm
- Depth ca. 6,50 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Little cute baby dragon is just hatching from the egg.
Beautiful and very detailed dragon.
The ideal gift and a tasteful decoration for all fantasy and dragon lovers.
Dragon with baby dragon
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon with Baby Dragon
- The figurine has beautiful details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 13,00 cm; Lenght ca. 15,00 cm, Width ca. 19,00 cm
- Material Polyresin
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon of the Forest
- The figurine is handmade and hand painted with many details
- Height ca. 21,50 cm
- Widht ca. 12,00 cm
- Depth ca. 9,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Dragon of the Forest
Beautiful and very lifelike forest dragon sitting on a tree house protecting the forest from its enemies.
The ideal gift and a tasteful decoration for all fantasy and dragon lovers.
Fire Dragon by Anne Stokes
Product number:
In stock
- Fire Dragon
- Designed by Anne Stokes
- The figurine is handmade and hand painted with many details
- Height ca. 24,50 cm
- Widht ca. 27,00 cm
- Deptj ca. 20,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Fire Dragon
If you are fortunate, and at a safe distance, to see a Fire Dragon (Draco Jgnis) they are indeed one of the most impressive of breeds. Although slow and lumbering on land, it is in the air that they come into their majesty. A full grown adult can have a wingspan of up to 50 meter. they have excellent eyesight so can spot prey from far away. They are usually seen soaring over mountainous regions, where, during the mating season the males light the skies with their display of incredible fire breathing.
Dragon, set of 12 (3 different models)
Product number:
In stock
- Dragons set of 12
- 3 different pieces
- The figurines have many details and are hand painted
- Height ca. 8,00 cm
- Width ca. 6,00 cm
- Depth ca. 2,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon with Dragon Egg
- The figurine has beautiful details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 20,00 cm
- Lenght ca. 14,50 cm
- Width ca. 13,00
- Material Polyresin
Dragon hatches from egg (Draco Silva)
This beautiful and detailed dragon is just now hatching from the egg, which is supported by branches.
He immediately goes into combat position to defend himself against the dangers of the forest. A new forest dragon (Draco Silva) is born.
The dragon figure was hand-cast from artificial stone (polyresin) and hand-painted. The wings can be stuck in.
This impressive dragon will delight every dragon and fantasy lover. This dragon is a real highlight in your home.
Dragons set of 9
Product number:
In stock
- Set of 9 dragons in egg, 3 different modells
- The figurines have many details and are hand painted
- Height ca. 5,50 cm
- Widht ca. 4,00 cm
- Length ca. 3,50 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Wind Dragon by Anne Stokes
Product number:
In stock
- Wind Silver Dragon
- Designed by Anne Stokes
- The figurine is handmade and hand painted with many details
- Height ca. 31,00 cm
- Widht ca. 21,50 cm
- Tiefe ca. 9,00 cm
- Material Polyresin
Wind Silver Dragon
It would be fair to say that a true wonder to see in flight is the Wind Silver Dragon(Draco Argentum), although it wouldn't be that simple. For this species of dragon uses a camouflaging technique whilst in flight known as 'silvering'. The scales and feathers contain 'pearl essence', which is crystalline guanine. It enables the dragon to mimic its environment rendering it almost invisible to the eye. The most incredible use of the scales was in the making of the armour for King Zule of Cartna, which was said to render him invisible to his enemies at the Battle of the Four Kingdoms.
Margarita Dragon by Stanley Morrison
Product number:
In stock
- Margarita Dragon
- Designed by Stanley Morrison
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 21,00 cm,
- Widht ca. 14,00 cm
- Depth ca. 13,00 vm
- Material: Polyresin
Green dragon
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 13 cm, Widht ca. 10,00 cm, Depth ca. 6,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Product number:
In stock
- Green dragon with letter opener
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 20,00 cm
- Height dragon ca. 15,50 cm
- Widht ca. 11,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
- Letteropener made from metall
Beautiful and very detailed dragon lying on a rock and holding a sword.
The sword is removable and can be used as a letter opener.
A tasteful decoration for all fantasy and dragon lovers.
A highlight on every desk.
Dragon in eg, green
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon egg green
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 7,50 cm
- Widht ca. 7,00 cm
- Depth ca. 7,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Little cute baby dragon is just hatching from the egg.
Beautiful and very detailed dragon.
The ideal gift and a tasteful decoration for all fantasy and dragon lovers.
Dragon with baby dragon
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon with baby dragon
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height: ca. 7,50 cm,
- Width: ca. 8,50 cm
- Depth ca. 9,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Dragon in eg, green
Product number:
In stock
- Dragon egg green
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height ca. 7,50 cm
- Widht ca. 5,50 cm
- Depth ca. 4,00 cm
- Material: Polyresin
Little cute baby dragon is just hatching from the egg.
Beautiful and very detailed dragon.
The ideal gift and a tasteful decoration for all fantasy and dragon lovers.
Baby Rock Dragon by Anne Stokes
Product number:
In stock
- Baby Rock Dragon
- Designed by Anne Stokes
- The figurine is handmade and hand painted with many details
- Height ca. 11,00 cm
- Width ca. 8,00 cm
- Depth ca. 9,00 cm
- Material Polyresin
Rock Dragon
The Rock dragon (Draco Petra) can be found whereever there are mountains, volcanoes and rock systems with naturally occurring caves. Known for its naturally occurring impenetrable armour plating as well as from history, as being used by the attacking Loman army at the battle of Colnee.
The eggs whilst incubating excude a chemical which allows rapid crystal growth around them. These then, over relatively a short period of time, form into diamonds and many countless lives have been lost in their pursuit.
Drink Dragon - Martini by Stanley Morrison
Product number:
In stock
- Drink Dragon - Martini
- Designed by Stanley Morrison
- The figurine has many details and is hand painted
- Height: ca. 21,50 cm, Widht ca. 13,00 cm, Tiefe ca. 11,50 cm
- Material: Polyresin